As you guys know I managed to destroy my old laptop a couple of months ago and rushed to get a new one. So of course I’ve been quite careful with it (also scared to death I might destroy this one as I sure as hell don’t have any kind of money to replace it). As I was looking for new cases for my babe (aka laptop) and my other babe (aka phone) I got an offer from lovely team from Caseapp to try out their cases for iPhones and skins for MacBooks, so of course I jumped at the opportunity to try them out.
And then I had to chose a design. My, oh my. The prints Caseapp offer are gorgeous, just incredibly pretty. As if that isn’t enough you can also design your own cases, rad right?! After a couple of minutes (or maybe hours… who knows) I chose my favorite: a marble design for my phone as well as my laptop. Somehow I always end up with marble. Is it love or faith, nobody knows. Also what can I say: I’m a creature of habit.
As you can see both items are perfectly matched and look super stylish.
Pssst… Get yourself some cute items with a 20% discount. Just type in PHUCKIT20 on Caseapp <3
DE: Wie ihr wisst, habe ich es vor ein paar Monaten geschafft meinen alten Laptop zu schrotten. Danach musste schleunigst ein neuer hergeschafft werden. Bei meiner Suche nach einer neuen Hülle für Baby eins (aka Handy) und für Baby zwei (aka Laptop) wurde ich vom super süßen Team von Caseapp kontaktiert, die mir anboten ihre Hüllen für iPhones und MacBooks auszuprobieren.
Und dann musste ich ein Design auswählen. My, oh my. Die Designs von Caseapp sind ein Traum und als wäre das nicht genug kann man Handhüllen auch selbst gestalten. Nach einigen Minuten (vielleicht auch Stunden… wer weiß) habe ich mein Wunschdesign gefunden – ein Marmor Design für mein Handy und meinen Laptop. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer lande ich immer bei Marmor. Ist es Liebe oder Schicksal, man weiß es nicht. Hahaha. Ich bin einfach ein Gewohnheitstier.
Und wie ihr sehen könnt, passen sowohl Hülle als Laptop Sticker perfekt zusammen und sehen mega stylisch aus.
Psst.. Mit dem Code PHUCKIT20 erhaltet ihr 20% Rabatt auf alle Caseapp Produkte. Also ran an den Speck <3
Wow, die Cases sind ein Traum! Gilt der Rabattcode denn noch? Das wäre das perfekte nachträglich weihnachtsgeschenk für mich selbst.
Lydia von
Entschuldige die späte Antwort! Ja, er ist noch gültig. 🙂
The cases look amazing!! Happy new year!
Ahhh! These are so cute! I’m about to check them out now. Thanks!
I love the case, it is gorgeous!
I love anything marble and have to say, the designs are amazing! Great choice hun! 🙂 xo~ Lena
Marbles are always a good choice 🙂
Love the post! <3
NYX lipstick is d best !! happy new yaer
I love everything marble!! <3
X Merel
I’ve got from them too, i absolutely love their stuff!
Great post!
& Much love,
gotta love the marble
oh no I could imagine how stressful it must have been with your laptop! you’ve chosen such a gorgeous design for your phone and laptop 🙂
The Fashionista Bubble
Love these marble cases! They’re so pretty!
awesome phone case good choice Love this marble case
Very nice phone cases….and white case is just adorable
Great accessories…White never goes out of fashion,
Waiting for your next article dear…
So beautiful love your blog
Thanks <3
Timeless beauty really love it.
Thank you love <3
Totally masterpiece I love marble made things, especially in white colour.
Thank you! Yeah, I love everything marble too 😀
Sorry to hear of your dead laptop, the same thing happened to me a few months ago and needless to say, it was a very expensive mistake! case app is great, I ‘ve worked with them and found them very pleasant. The only problem? phones and laptops are updated so often!! So my cases are no longer of use 🙁
kellmenow |
Instagram |
Oh, I feel for you. It’s heartbreaking isn’t it?! And indeed very expensive.
Yeah, they are super nice, really liked working with them 🙂 Oh, that’s unfortunate.
this kind of cases are trending a lot just go for it.
die sieht echt toll aus 🙂
Nathalie von Fashion Passion Love ♥
Dankeschön <3