It’s time to talk about the black lives matter movement amid the painful deaths of innocent unarmed black people.
This is probably my first time talking openly about black lives matter and the overall way I feel about the current situation. The last few weeks have been hard and so I had to take as much break from social media as I could. It’s as I could all the anger, hurt, frustration and sadness in this world. I can’t even count how many tears I’ve shed.
The voice of George Floyd pleading for his life still haunts me, although I barely watched that horrifying video. It breaks my heart knowing that people that look like me and my family are being killed in a country that dares call itself “the land of freedom”. A country, in which more melanin means fearing for your life every single day, simply because you exist. It breaks my heart knowing that another human being, that swore to protect and serve, would kneel on a handcuffed and unarmed mans neck for almost 10 minutes straight. Never in my life will I understand how can treat another being this way. How you can carry so much hate, towards people simply because they look different than you. We shouldn’t know who Breonna Taylor is, we shouldn’t know George Floyd is. But sadly we do. They deserve justice! They’re families deserve justice!

Black lives matter!
The lives of my brothers and my father matter! The life of my mother matters! The lives of all my family all around the world matter! My life matters! The lives of all the people I share this skin tone with matter!
I’m incredibly glad to see that changes are already being implemented. Yet still I feel like it it not enough. There is so much more to do, but it’s a beginning. If you want to more infos on how you can help and just to gather information in general, check out this link.
As I’ve been using the recent times to read a lot, I wanted to share some with you. I hope you’ll find at least one fitting book to read, out of the list and it will help educate you on the issue black people face further.
So You Want To Talk About Race – Ijeoma Oluo
Witnessing Whiteness – Shelly Tochluk
Stamped from the beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America – Ibram Kendi
White Fragility – Robin J. DiAngelo
The Autobiography of Malcolm X – Malcolm X
Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race – Reni Eddo-Lodge
How To Be An Anti-Racist – Ibram Kendi
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks – Rebecca Skloot
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work For Racial Justice – Paul Kivel
Share with me down below, how have you been feeling lately? What sources do you use to educate yourself on (systemic) racism and oppression?
Have a great weekend my loves <3
Hello doll! Black Lives Do Matter! Thank you for providing a link with information on how we can continue to help. What happened to George Floyd is horrible.
I look forward to going through your list and getting more education. I’ve seen So You Want to Talk About Race making its rounds and heard great reviews so it’s a must read. Looking through the rest of your recommendations, thank you for sharing! β€οΈ